About us
Port of Poreč authority is non-profit legal entity with rights and obligations established by the Law on Maritime Property and Sea Ports and Decision on the establishment of the Poreč Port Authority. The founder of the Poreč Port Authority is the County of Istria.
The port area of the Poreč Port Authority includes:
- Port of county significance: Poreč,
- Ports of local importance: Vrsar, Funtana, Červar Porat and Vrh Lima, Santa Marina,
- Separated port areas - anchorages: cruiser anchorage and Busoja bay,
- Separated port areas - wharves and docks: pier of the "Funtana" hotel.
The Port Authority was established to manage, build and use ports open to public traffic. The Port Authority performs the activities established by the Law on Maritime Property and Sea Ports:
- taking care of the construction, maintenance, management, protection and improvement of the maritime assets represented by the port area,
- construction and maintenance of port infrastructure, which is financed from the budget of the founder of the port authority,
- expert supervision over the construction, maintenance, management and protection of the port area (port substructures and superstructures),
- ensuring permanent and unhindered performance of port traffic, technical-technological unity and safety of navigation,
- ensuring the provision of services of general interest or for which there is no economic interest of other economic entities,
- coordination and supervision of the work of concessionaires who perform economic activity in the port area,
- making a decision on the establishment and management of a free zone in the port area in accordance with the regulations governing free zones,
- other jobs established by law.
Laws and regulations
1 - Pomorski zakonik (NN 181/04, 76/07, 146/08, 61/11, 56/13, 26/15, 17/19)
2 - Zakon o pomorskom dobru i morskim lukama (NN 158/03, 100/04, 141/06, 38/09, 123/11, 56/16, 98/19)
3 - Pravilnik o kriterijima za određivanje namjene pojedinog dijela luke otvorene za javni promet županijskog i lokalnog značaja, način plaćanja veza, uvjete korištenja, te određivanja maksimalne visine naknada i raspodjele prihoda (NN 94/07, 79/08, 114/12 i 47/13)
4 - Pravilnik o uvjetima i načinu održavanja reda u lukama i na ostalim dijelovima unutarnjih morskih voda i teritorijalnog mora Republike Hrvatske (NN 72/21).